Operation Iraqi Children

Operation International Children (formerly Operation Iraqi Children) is a charitable program created in 2004 to send school supplies to Iraqi children. In March 2004, actor Gary Sinise (Forrest Gump, Apollo 13) and author Laura Hillenbrand (Unbroken: A World War II Story of Survival, Resilience, and Redemption,Seabiscuit: An American Legend) announced the launch of Operation Iraqi Children, a program that will enable Americans to send School Supply Kits to Iraqi children. OIC is a program administered by People to People International (PTPI), an NGO with a U.S., not-for-profit [501(c)(3)] tax rating. The executive committee consists of Sinise, Hillenbrand and PTPI's President and CEO, Mary Jean Eisenhower.

OIC first expanded its outreach program to children in Afghanistan, and children in the United States who were adversely affected by Hurricane Katrina. Since, OIC has expanded its reach to children in need around the world, including the Phillippines, Panama, Haiti, Djibouti, and the list grows.

In recognition of our efforts, OIC was voted “Best Bridge Builder” of 2006 by Reader's Digest Magazine and has received an official letter of endorsement from the White House. Supplies are distributed by U.S. and allied military forces.

"I have seen Iraqi kids climbing on our soldiers and hugging them and kissing them," remembers Sinise, who accompanied Army soldiers to a dilapidated school they were rebuilding. "I have seen their smiling faces and their attempts to say 'I love you' in broken English. The folks I saw had hope in their eyes and gratitude in their hearts for what was done for them."

Twice, OIC has been represented in meetings with President George W. Bush.

To date, OIC has delivered over 300,000 School Supply Kits to needy children around the world - in addition to books, toys and sports equipment.

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Operation Iraqi Children was started by Susan Teamey (6th. grade teacher at Peterson School, Klamath County School District, Klamath Falls, OR 97603) and Bert Teamey (former U.S. Marine and retired dentist) in 2003 in Klamath Falls,OR while our son, U.S. Army Major, Kyle Teamey was serving in Ramadi, Iraq as a Captain with the 1st. Infantry Division. A website was registered: Operationiraqichildren.com and the effort was written up in the Klamath Falls Herald and News (Pioneer Press, Seattle, Washington).

Operation Iraqi Children became very popular locally (large donations from schools, businesses, Wal Mart and many individuals) and soon spread nationally. Captain Teamey and his fellow Soldiers and Marines announced that donating the many school supplies in the Al Anbar Province of Iraq became one of the most positive and meaningful accomplishments during their tour of duty. Many happy pictures of Iraqi school children arrived in Klamath Falls.

After Gary Sinise and Laura Hillenbrand launched Operation Iraqi Children in 2004 they were notified by Email that such an entity had already been in existence. Laura Hillenbrand returned an apologetic e-mail to us.

Bert Teamey, USMC 1961-1965.